IMMA Updates Its Vision And Mission Statement

The IMMA General Assembly, held by teleconference on 21 April 2021, adopted an updated vision and mission statement.


IMMA as the global voice of the Motorcycle Industry, will promote solutions for safe, sustainable, socially responsible, and economically viable motorcycle mobility.


IMMA advocates and engages in the development and progressive harmonization of vehicle requirements within global regulatory forums
IMMA promotes motorcycling as effective, affordable and sustainable mobility solutions
IMMA supports the industry by addressing common challenges and opportunities.

The update to the Vision and Mission had been in context of the challenging global pandemic affecting also the global motorcycle industry.

The Vision/Mission amendment implies a widening of IMMA’s scope of collaboration between the manufacturing industries in the regions on issues of common interest and references the global sustainable mobility agenda while highlighting importance of affordability of mobility solutions.

​​​​​IMMA President, Mr Rakesh Sharma said: “Motorcycles and scooters demonstrated their resilience as a safe, convenient and affordable mobility and delivery option during this health pandemic. IMMA members, national and regional associations continue to be engaged in a constructive dialogue with their respective authorities and partners in the regions to facilitate a swift recovery of the economy. Government support has proved critical in the recovery of the industry during the first waves of the pandemic. Timely intervention and focused initiatives aimed at resolving issues will immensely assist the industry to stage a comeback.”

The General Assembly took place during IMMA Spring Congress, 19 to 22 April 2021. This year’ Spring Congress edition was held again as a series of meetings by conference call due to the COVID-19 pandemic.