As a federation of regional and national associations, IMMA’s bodies are the following:
Founded as BPICM in 1948, IMMA celebrates its 75 years in 2023.
The IMMA committee structure operates under the responsibility of the Steering Committee which reports to the General Assembly. The Steering Committee is a restricted executive body given the widest powers to make decisions and offer guidance to the Secretary General in case of urgent issues or involving political action.
The committees, working groups and task forces monitor developments of issues of interest and develop strategic positions for the industry and policy. New expert groups are created to address emerging topics. Representatives from the national and regional member organizations in IMMA participate in the meetings.
Powered Two Wheelers are the ideal solution for personal transport in the cities of today and the future: PTWs are also flexible solutions to underfunded or underserviced public transport offerings, able to respond to the personal mobility demands of citizens without the need for extensive public infrastructure works. The small footprint of PTWs allows for greater freedom of movement in crowded urban environments and require little parking space. By occupying less space and emitting lower emissions, PTWs offer an efficient and sustainable alternative to all other urban transport modes.
The technical activities in IMMA are supervised by the Technical Committee which directs subcommittees and working groups on Harmonisation, Safety, (tailpipe) Emissions, Lights and Lighting components, Electrical Vehicles, Noise and Sound Emissions, and Braking. Further groups may be installed to support the need for dedicated expertise responding to regulatory discussions.
In 2012, IMMA installed a dedicated task force to oversee the developments of Quadricycles (L6 and L7 vehicles).
The agenda of the IMMA technical meetings are dedicated to the preparation of contributions to the technical external meetings such as those of the Groupe de Rapporteurs (GRs) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) World Forum for Harmonisation of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29).
The IMMA secretariat monitors and/or attends and reports on all relevant external meetings, assuring common interpretation of key developments, decisions, and the sharing of information with the membership.
The UNECE World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) is a unique worldwide regulatory forum within the institutional framework of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee.
The UNECE Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety is the only permanent body in the United Nations system that focuses on improving road safety. Its primary function is to serve as guardian of the United Nations legal instruments aimed at harmonizing traffic rules.
IMMA is an accredited NGO to United Nations since 1956.
GTB is the global group of vehicle manufacturers, system suppliers, light source manufacturers, testing laboratories and academia working to assure regulation and safety of automotive lighting systems and their installation.
IMMA is member of GTB.
With 80 members and observers from more than 40 countries, IRTAD has become a central force in the promotion of international co-operation on road crash data and its analysis. The IRTAD database collects and aggregates international data on road crashes; it thereby provides an empirical basis for international comparisons and more effective road safety policies.
IMMA is member of IRTAD since 2012.
United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC)
The UNRSC is an informal consultative mechanism whose goal is to facilitate international cooperation and strengthen global and regional coordination among UN agencies and other international partners to implement UN General Assembly Resolutions on road safety.
IMMA is member of UNRSC since 2013.
IMMA periodically contributes to the International Transport Forum (ITF) and co-organized various official side events on safety and mobility on powered two-wheelers among others in 2014 and 2019 during the annual ITF Summit in Leipzig, Germany.