The aim of the event was to engage policy makers, safety experts, road users, and all related stakeholders to foster safer motorcycling at global, regional and national level. The event helped to better understand the different uses of PTWs, the key trends and their global impact on safety. It highlighted the importance of inclusive policy (positive consideration of PTWs in transport plans).
Moderated by Professor Fred Wegman, the side event featured contributions from various high level politicians and reputed experts.
Various additional ideas, best practices and tailored strategies applied on a local, national or regional level were presented as part of overall transport policies by delegates from CAF – Development Bank of Latin America, DEKRA, FIM and representatives of ACEM and IMMA.
The forum participants agreed that the safety of Powered Two Wheelers can only be enhanced by applying a shared, integrated and comprehensive approach and by ensuring that local needs and differences are successfully addressed. Professor Wegman concluded that “the common challenge is to translate these ideas into timely action involving the relevant stakeholders in view of the discussions related to the progress of the Decade of Action for Road Safety”.
About the International Transport Forum
The ITF at the OECD is an intergovernmental organization with 54 member countries. Based in Paris, it is the only global body with a mandate to advance transport policy for all modes of transport. The ITF Summit is held annually and brings together transport ministers from member countries with business leaders, top researchers and representatives of civil society, and provides a global platform for high-level exchange on strategic transport policy issues.
About IMMA
IMMA, as the voice of the global Motorcycle Industry, has a membership of Powered Two- and Three-Wheeler (PTW) manufacturers’ associations from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, USA, and Vietnam. IMMA promotes solutions for safe, sustainable, socially responsible and economically viable motorcycling. IMMA advances inclusive policies and engages in the development and progressive harmonization of vehicle requirements in global forums. IMMA is based in Geneva, Switzerland.
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