The organizers of the conference aim at sharing experiences among South-East Asian countries where the use of powered two-wheelers is relatively high and identify and promote best practices, standards and strategies, to reduce number of PTW crashes and mitigate their impacts.
The event was well attended with various high level policy making experts and policy researchers from various countries in the South-Asian region as well as from global institutions as United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and World Health Organization.
IMMA Secretary General Edwin Bastiaensen gave a keynote presentation emphasizing the principle of shared responsibility to reduce the number and severity of motorcycle crashes and emphasized the importance and need for motorcycle-inclusive mobility policies, at all levels. Mr Harjeet Singh, Chairman of the Two-Wheeler Technical Committee of IMMA-member SIAM, illustrated accelerated safety and environmental technology developments and fitment on vehicles as part of the industry road-map in India.
About 80% of the worlds PTW’s are in Asia, of which 80% are in South-East Asia. From the many lessons exchanged at the conference, delegates strongly agreed on the need to continue to study cross-cutting PTW operational issues in the region and incorporate PTW safety at planning, design and operation levels of road infrastructures, through engineering, behavioral measures and enforcement.